Thursday, March 30, 2006

WBW - late - 80's Confession
According to TKW, TX Mom is still preoccupied with continuing with the fashion through the ages theme also came up with this theme...pull out the parachute pants, whip our the White Rain and show us how unkind the 80s were to you!

I have no pictures this week b/c I have been too busy with the whole house thing to get to them, but I have a confession to make . . .

We owned the "Michael Jackson: Learn to
Moonwalk" VHS Tape and all of us would put on our black parachute pants to moonwalk around the house!


CameraDawktor said...

That is freakin' scarry girl! I would die to see some pictures of THAT!!!!!!!!!

eyes_only4him said...

hahaha..i had that i had the red leather jacket with the beading on the side, a glove and a MJ microphone that really worked..aww..those were the days;)

thank God my pre planned wedding to him was foiled..I telly ou what!!


Doug Bagley said...

Mercy! I'd never admit to something like that, LOL.

Fantastagirl said...

I remember when Thriller came out on Laser Disks - we went to my friends house and watched it over and over and over...

Unknown said...

You had the video?

I can still picture his white pants and coat with the black shirt and the tiger or whatever the heck is way on the cover of the Thriller album...