Wednesday, February 15, 2006

All The Cool Kids Are Doing It . . .

Okay, so this is what you get when you get curious and look on the "young" blog sites that students at my high school use. I would list them here, but I don't want this post to come up in searches by someone trying to find them (I am trying to be smart)! I teach at a school with a lot of "wanna be" gang members. We had a long discuss about it last week at our gang training session. The "wanna be's" are the most dangerous type b/c they have some thing to provide and are consistently trying to gain attention and status.

The things that these kids write about and the pictures they post on their blogs worries me. Many of them use real names without even thinking twice - scary! I would die if one of my students found my blog and knew it was me. Knowing this . . . tonight I "googled" my name and several of the other names that might come it. It is freaky to think that you could be on the internet in unknown places! I was quoted on one website for endorsing a product that a man presented during the time I worked at one of the local universities over five years ago!

Soon people will know everything about us. The stat counter that I use tells where, when, how long, etc. people that view my blog are there. It is very interesting and makes me think twice when I visit sites now, knowing most people are using something like this, too! Someone at school sent me a
link that makes you wonder . . . what will the future be like?


Mise en Place said...

Boo...I guess I'm just not one of the cool kids.

Anonymous said...

ha...nice blinky thingy...

momma of 2 said...

that was a little weird...can you imagine... yeah Momma of 2, I see you attend WW meetings, you can't eat

Becky said...

Yep, I can pretty much relate to how freaky it is to be Googled. I tested mine the other night and not only did my former blog come up, but my step-dad's obit did too.

Wonder if these kids' parents even know about the blogs and content?

Anonymous said...

The sites that I've seen from kids I know have way too much personal information. I have run across blogs of kids encouraging each other with their anorexia and bulimia also, It is very sad.

Robin said...

The fact that two of my daughters frequent that site makes me really nervous. I'm glad they're clever enough NOT to use identifiable information, but I do know they "meet" new friends all the time -- and who KNOWS if their new friends are really teenagers?

Which is why mommy checks their "space" every day. *wink*